Monday, October 13, 2008

My Brave Husband

I had a much better day than my husband. My husband had been complaining that something in his eye was bothering him. He had flushed it, and it still bothered him. This morning he woke up and his eye was bothering him again, so he decided to go to a doctor. The walk in clinic sent him to an eye doctor. The eye doctor found a glass sliver in his eye! It was very small so the eye doctor numbed the eye and removed the splinter. He was advised to stay home since his work is so dusty. My husband is much braver than I am, I would have freaked out, the doc would have had to put me under to pull a splinter out of my eye.


CBS said...

Brave indeed!!!

Ms.March said...

Wow - that's really scary - I'm glad he's okay!

Peggy said...

I hope his eye is mending well.