Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Today was my first sign language class. At the school where I teach we have a hearing impaired program. These students use sign language and come to my class with an interpreter. I have been wanting to communicate better with these students and feel bad when I have to turn to the interpreter for help. Today I learned mother, father, sister, brother, feelings/emotions, weather, how, you, me, friendship, and good morning. I am so grateful to the wonderful teachers that offered to teach any willing staff member at our school. I can't wait until tomorrow morning when I can great them in sign language and say good morning, how are you feeling, and talk about the sunny, windy weather we have been having here in Baltimore.

1 comment:

bdc said...

Great start to your blog. I look forward to reading about your experiences.
I imagine it was quite the change moving from the U.P. to Baltimore. I live in Michigan and just earned my endorsement last spring. The job market here is sooo bad. I really do not want to move so for now I am subbing as much as possible.
Good luck with the school year.