Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Audit Time

Our school is having its annual audit. Those of you that teach in BCPSS are familiar with the week of the audit. Lots of pop in visits to make sure all your information is written on boards, students are engaged, and your environment is inviting. I passed my inspection today from my school admin team. My inspection report said nice positive things like, "good use of the explicit teaching model" and "your room is so clean and inviting". Its nice to be noticed for the good things :)

*(At my old school they never even checked my room, so they didn't even know that I had a clean inviting environment, or that I used the explicit teaching model the way they requested.)


Mary said...

I consider it a good day if I don't have another teacher stick their head in to make sure there's an adult in the room. :)

Ms.March said...

Yay! Great job :) I am so glad that you are happy with your school! And I'm glad that they appreciate and support you like you should be!